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At a crossroads

08/29/2017 4:15 PM | Deleted user
photo of bike path crossroads

I’ve been on quite a few bike rides lately (more often than last summer, I’m happy to report). On my rides through the parks and trails of the Twin Cities, I often come to a crossroads.

The path splits off in two directions, and I have to choose which way to go. If it’s an unfamiliar route, I can’t be sure what I’ll encounter if I go one way vs. the other. This experience got me thinking about where MHSCN is going as an organization.

As a board, we began working on a new strategic plan earlier this year. We realized that we needed to spend some time in thoughtful reflection and exploration of how we are living out MHSCN’s mission, vision and values. Are we meeting the needs of our members and delivering value? Is the organization still relevant in these changing times? There are many other activities and organizations competing for the time, attention, and resources of Minnesota’s health care communications, marketing, and public relations professionals.

We’re exploring different options for the organization, and no matter how much we research them, we can’t know exactly what will happen if we choose one path over another. If you’re just on a bike ride, it’s not such a big deal. Chances are good it’ll be pleasant either way; maybe the path will take you to a different place than what you anticipated, but that’s OK. It can be a fun challenge to figure out those little surprises! 

When it’s an organization like MHSCN, with a long history and established traditions, it’s a bit scarier – but also exciting. We have a strong board, and I’m confident we’ll “steer the ship” to a good new place. And that’s where you come in. It’s time to bring our members – and other stakeholders – into the discussion.

Where do you see new opportunities for MSHCN? Are there activities or services we should add, or maybe some we should discontinue? If you’re a former member who hasn’t renewed, or someone who attends the occasional event but hasn’t ever joined, why not? We’d love to get your perspective.

As our work on the strategic plan progresses, we’ll have a more formal way for you to share your input soon. For now, I encourage you to send me an email with your thoughts on how we can be more valuable to you and your professional goals. 

Change is never easy, but for those of us in health care, it seems to be inevitable. We might as well learn to embrace it! Join me – and MHSCN – on the ride!

Mary Beth Schwartz

Mary Beth Schwartz

MHSCN President

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