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More than BLAH, BLAH, BLAH

11/27/2017 9:13 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Katie Johnson, MHSCN President Elect

At this time of thanksgiving and celebration, our thoughts turn gratefully to you with warm appreciation... This is how a holiday season column should start, right?  BLAH, BLAH, BLAH – you’ve probably already tuned out.

I do not mean to minimize how grateful we are for our members. I do, however, want to turn the tables on the gratitude babble rampant during this time of year and ask for a more thoughtful consideration of your membership and what it means to you personally.

Why did you join MHSCN or engage with us in the first place?

What benefits do you expect from your membership and affiliation? 

How well does MHSCN deliver on those expectations? 

If you really want to feel some love from me and the other board members, please share your feedback with us on these topics in our membership survey – coming soon to your inbox.

You see, we’re doing some soul searching and strategy planning to answer some difficult questions about our relevance as a professional development organization and how to combat declining membership.

We’re learning this is not unique to our industry. To get real answers to drive appropriate action, we need to hear from you.

An open board seat with your name on it

Further, if you feel strongly that MHSCN serves a purpose in your career and you seek to serve and build an association “characterized by innovation, empowerment, inclusion, collaboration and purpose” as referenced in the linked article above – we’ve got an open board seat with your name on it! 

We are currently recruiting for board members with an interest in membership, communications and webmaster skill areas. Check out these job descriptions and contact Angela Churchill if interested:

Truly, sincere gratitude

For me, the friendships, knowledge, connections and resources I've gained through my involvement in MHSCN are golden. So I'll close with the gratitude message that is truly sincere. 

Thanks for reading this far and thanks in advance for your participation in our survey and consideration of board service. 

More importantly, thank you for your involvement in MHSCN. You do belong here, and we value your contributions.

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