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Meet our newest board member

02/23/2018 5:33 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Minnesota Health Strategy and Communications Network thanks Tate Leferink for adding his expertise and energy to the MHSCN Board of Directors. 

Tate Leferink, our new communications co-chair, shares a bit about himself:

I am a Regional Territory Manager for Professional Office Services.  We are a Healthcare Communications Company that specializes in helping medical practices improve their patient communications through print and digital materials. We offer practices ways to improve their patient billing and payment solutions through statement processing, online bill pay, digital messaging and implementation plans.

I have been in the medical field for 20 years and have been with Professional Office Services for five years. I graduated from Iowa State University but have been a Minnesotan my entire life. Born and raised in Rochester, MN and currently live in Cottage Grove, MN with my wife of 17 years and our lovely daughter. In my free time I follow the local sports teams, watch movies/tv, read and when the weather cooperates play as much golf as I humanly can. Connect with me by email

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