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Tri-State Conference Gave Triple Value

11/08/2018 12:29 PM | Anonymous member
Wrigley's DoubleMint gum wrapper

Remember the Doublemint gum jingle?

Double your pleasure. Double your fun. Double your delightment with Doublemint gum…

MHSCN, WHPRMS and ISHMPR – the Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois chapters of marketing, communications and strategy professionals in healthcare – had an even better jingle for the 2018 Tri-State Conference:

Triple your learning. Triple your fun. Triple your networking with Adventures in Healthcare…

OK, maybe it's not quite as catchy, but rang true. By joining forces, we tripled the opportunities for communications, PR, marketing and strategy professionals to network, learn, and have fun. The affordable event packed the punch of a national conference without the travel time and expense.

What did such triple value look like? Play the video below for a few snapshots of what I mean.

Katie Johnson speaks from podium during conference.As I look back, I’m checking off my list of things I hoped to - and did - take home.

  • New connections to add to my “have you ever had to write/market/manage THIS situation?” list. 
  • Relationships with more local and regional vendors I can leverage to make my team more efficient and expand my resources for everything from creative design to strategic thinking and from CRM to data collection. 
  • Time to clear and quiet my brain. The noise in my head as I juggle priorities in this job can be deafening some days. Taking some time to spend a few days in a different setting was a welcome change. 
  • Laughter. It never fails. When I’m with colleagues like you, the similarities are greater than the differences. The shared experiences we uniquely understand evoked at least one good old belly laugh. 
  • Ideas to make me look smart. I found credence to my 2019 marketing plan with real data from relatable and credible sources. This was probably the highest value take-away. 

Katie Johnson
MHSCN president, 2018

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