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New Affiliation with SHSMD Benefits MHSCN Members

03/01/2019 9:57 AM | Anonymous member
Cassi Chrzanoski

I'm excited to announce that MHSCN has been formally named an affiliate of the Society for Healthcare Strategy & Market Development, or as we like to call them SHSMD (pronounced "shish-med"). There are so many benefits to being affiliated with this national association, and we will be highlighting them in the coming months.

MHSCN will still operate and be organized as it always has been, but our affiliation with SHSMD will offer additional benefits and resources to our members.

As an affiliate of SHSMD, MHSCN members are entitled to:

SHSMD member rate ($200 discount) for 2019 SHSMD Connections

This annual conference is being held in Nashville in September. Many of the details are still TBD, but this is one to keep on your radar and put in your education budget.

Free registration to all SHSMD U Webcasts
The member survey we conducted last year revealed that you were seeking more educational programming. Access to this resource provides a wealth of programming, including webinars, webcasts, online courses and more.

If you’re not a current member of MHSCN, you may want to become one now. Many of the affiliation's benefits will be for members only. Members benefit from a more robust local professional association with access to valuable national resources -- and no increase in membership fees or event costs.

Penguin looks at taking a Deep Dive into DigitalTo hear more about our affiliation, be sure to attend our spring conference, Deep Dive Into Digital: A MHSCN Conference at Como Zoo on April 25th. The conference opens with an overview of SHSMD, and includes an exciting line-up of speakers. Our keynote speaker, Chris Bevolo, will sharing findings from his new book, Joe Public III: The End of Hospital Marketing, outlining new imperatives for hospital and health system marketers.

You won't want to miss this conference. I hope to see you there!

Cassi Chrzanowski

MHSCN President-Elect

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